Monday, November 19, 2012

Seriously? A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Giveaway

So I saw this post not to long ago, and I thought it was a really amazing and I thought about entering but then I got lazy but now that I have the time I want you guys to see this opportunity its amazing heres the prize!!

Ins't this AMAZING??!!! I thought soo here's another look at the prizes

It's 125 dollars worth of make up I mean I don't have 125 dollars to spend on but I sure wish I could win this prize!!!!!!!

Either way I would recommend following her

hit that subscribe button while your at it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Starbucks and holidays

So I haven't been going to Starbucks in a while and since everyone decided to go during the winter to get their holiday drinks I decided to go and check starbucks since I had time to spare and wanted some Starbucks. Normally I get a mocha frappuccino yummy in my tummy

So now I decided to try the peppermint mocha frapuccino and I got to say I'm in love with it it was amazing that I don't care driving 20 mins to get one :D

MIA Much??

I'm so sorry guys I have been MIA a lot actually like a year but with school and school activities I totally forgot about youtube and make up smh 
 I actually updated my make up routine and the most amazing thing I decided to get into special effects make up :D heres a picture of this years halloween
What do you guys think? I think I did a pretty decent job being my first time I have to admit after a while i got tired of all the things around my face >.< but it was so worth it.
I was missing some special contacts but since I already use contacts It seemed like it wasnt that good of an idea.